Explore proven automated tools to get CX change management right the first time, every time!

Change management is a key aspect of managing a contact center, particularly when migrating from a legacy contact center into a fully-fledged CCaaS operation. Utilizing trusted solutions for automating the CX migration process plays a crucial role in optimizing CX change management, empowering agents, and streamlining workflows to deliver a superior level of CX.

Automation can play a vital role in optimizing change management in contact centers in preparation for contact center migration.

By opting to automate the CX migration process, organizations can significantly enhance all aspects of the project in ways that help to maximize ROI and derive the best value on the journey of setting up a full-fledged CCaaS operation.

Moreover, organizations could formulate superior CX migration strategies such as implementing intelligent automation, automating call scoring, and data analysis, to initially set clear goals for migration and continuously monitor and adapt thereafter to maximize the ROI.

Initiating contact center migrations that embrace automation in CX change management allows for greater success, reduced risk, greater visibility, and improved speed to ensure contact centers can migrate seamlessly to deliver exceptional customer satisfaction and engagement.

What aspects of CX automation are key in CX change management when migrating to CCaaS?

Change management for contact center migrations is a multi-stage process. It starts at the pre-migration stage, where the initial planning for the initiative is carried out. This planning will carry over to streamline and align the migration stage. Finally, the process concludes with the synchronization of the CCaaS operation in the post-migration phase.

Here are the most impactful automated solutions that help businesses tackle change management in their contact centers during migration:

Automated discovery of configurations

Discovering the current configurations within the existing legacy CX environment is extremely important in understanding which configurations are aligned toward optimized CX delivery and which ones need to be eliminated.

In comparison to the slow and error-prone process of manual migration, automated discovery is the best option for this purpose due to the following key capabilities:

      • The solution maximizes speed
      • It eliminates risks for optimal accuracy
      • It minimizes resource usage
      • It improves visibility

CX forensics from automated auditing

After the discovery stage is completed, CX forensics solutions use automated tools to further analyze, audit, screen, and report on the current CX environment.

Businesses can rely on these to guide CX strategy and make the right decisions to ensure that a reliable CX migration journey is planned by:

  •  Identifying configurations that need to be carried forward
  • Informing decisions on which configurations are unaligned
  • Eliminating redundancy in the legacy CX system
  • Setting CX migration goals for the contact center transformation

Experience how a proven automated solution can optimize your CX migration and maximize efficiency from change management.


Clarity automated discovery service by Blackchair scans your CX environment to lay out a clear road map for CX migration based on the requirements and nature of your contact center operation.

By auditing the legacy CX environment, Clarity can identify misaligned and junk configurations to assist organizations in eliminating the redundancy built into any legacy contact center and decide on objectives for the CX migration.

Yes, as with all Blackchair solutions—Clarity provides results and insights that are customized based on the operations within your CX environment to ensure that ideal strategic measures can be identified to drive maximum results from your CX operation.

Reports generated via Clarity can cover a wide range of information to aid the migration to the new platform. These reports can include information about reusable configurations, disposable configurations, current operating/change habits, automated translation and injection into the destination platform, and formatted migration profiles.

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