Useful resources

Want to get a better understanding of CX optimization and management? Check out our repertoire of CX resources! Gain access to whitepapers, audits, brochures, and other resources containing helpful information on CX management.

Want to get a better understanding of CX optimization and management? Check out our repertoire of CX resources! Gain access to whitepapers, brochures, and other resources containing helpful information on CX management.

Optimize The Move To A New CX Environment

Optimize The Move To A New CX Environment

Streamline contact centre migration for efficient and accurate results

Improve CX agent productivity with cC management solutions

Optimize CX configuration management to maximize productivity

CX Management Platforms Improve Productivity

Automated Customer Experience For Efficiency

Recover With CX System Visibility Solution

Male working on the Computer

Maximize ROI With CX Configuration Management

clean your data with cX migration solutions

optimize cX with cX configuration automation

Improve Delivery With CX Management Platforms

enforce cX compliance

The value of an automated CX management platform for post-migration operations

Streamline pre-migration processes by improving legacy CX clarity

Reduce Project Risk With CX Migration Assurance

Gain Five9 migration assurance with Blackchair

maximize rOI in genesys cloud services

how to optimize cX Testing when using infovista

optimize cx with configuration automation

attain complete cX digital transformation

Enrich your Genesys cloud migration strategy

Leverage class-leading automated configuration

Don’t let a legacy CX environment hamper

The role of automation in optimizing CX change management for contact center migration

Automation for CX management

How migration from a legacy contact center to CCaaS can unleash CX transformation

CX transformation through cX migration to ccaas

Achieve a successful contact center migration to CCaaS

key considerations in contact center migration

Recent trends that are driven by an increased rate of automation in the CX space

using cX automation in contact center migration

Critical Considerations For Picking CX Cloud Migration Tools

Critical Considerations For Picking CX Cloud Migration Tools

Guide To Establishing A Seamless Omni Channel Experience1

guide to establishing a seamless omni channel experience

Role Of Pre-Migration Forensics In CX Implementation

Utilizing CX transition to recognize shifting customer expectations

Configuration Automation

Automating CCaaS configuration operations with proven CX solutions

Untitled design (1)

The ultimate guide to CX technology for your contact center

How does CCaaS migration contribute to business continuity planning

unified cloud platform

Avoiding common pitfalls when migrating legacy configuration

A comprehensive blueprint to mastering contact center migration

Genesys Integration

Make perfecting Genesys integration a breeze with automated CCaaS

Innovative technologies that elevate disaster recovery

Innovative technologies that elevate disaster recovery planning efforts

Business Continuity Planning3

Essential business continuity planning checklist to elevate your Genesys

Simplifying business continuity in Genesys cloud with automated

Disaster Recovery Solutions

The role of automated disaster recovery solutions in improving DR sync

business risk assessment

The role of continuity planning in business risk assessment

The role of CCaaS configuration automation in business contingency

Business Continuity Management

What is the future of business continuity management in CX?

Emergency Response Planning

Is emergency response planning necessary for your CCaaS platform?

business risk assessmen

How to address CX continuity risks with a business risk assessment for cybersecurity

crisis management for business

Optimizing CCaaS crisis management for business continuity

CX operation

Is lift-and-shift the best cloud migration strategy for your CX operation?

Cloud Migration Assessment Success With Automated Discovery

CCaaS migration

Is CX cloud migration consulting necessary for your business

contact center technologies

Optimizing the usage of contact center technologies with Symphony

your omnichannel contact center

Utilizing CCaaS integrations to improve your omnichannel contact center

your omnichannel contact center

Utilizing CCaaS integrations to improve your omnichannel contact center


Blackchair - Brochures - CX system analysis and data collection

CX system analysis
and data collection

Blackchair - Brochures - Reduce Project Risk Streamline Operations And Reduce CX Project Management Risks

Reduce Project Risk and Streamline Operations

Blackchair - Brochure - Optimize Day Two Operations For Better Results

Optimize Day Two Operations For Better Results

Blackchair - Brochures - Spotlight Professional

Spotlight professional: automated cX Management

Blackchair - Brochures - CX System Analysis And Data Collection

How to analyse your current configuration

Mitigating pressure on your CX resources

Finding it difficult to analyze your current Configuration?

Moving to CCaaS? Take a Clarity bath first

Case Studies

Blackchair - Case Study - HCI Case study

HCI case study

HCI case study

Blackchair - One Page Asset - Logistics Company Product Focused

Logistics and Supply Chain Precision Discovery